Purchase Home Loans – Learn how you can obtain a Home Loan the Easy way and have the guidance of a true Professional at your side! Allow us to share with you the 2- Step simple method to obtain a home loan today! Let us know if you want us to send to you the 2- Step Process?
Is a very stressful time in a person’s life. We can help guide you thru the process and make the task fun and enjoyable!
There are many ways to purchase a home with different types of financing options. Come to us 1st, as the cost is Free to learn how to make an offer and how to have the Sellers pay for most of your closing costs.
If by chance you were to put down less than 20% of the Sales Price we have ways to eliminate the Private Mortgage Insurance premium!
Are you a 1st Time Buyer? Find out that you may still be a 1st time buyer?
Are you aware that you may be able to take the low Property taxes that your presently pay, with you to the new home you want to purchase?
We serve the Ventura and Los Angeles Counties! Call for details 805-374-6000
Whether you are self employed or W2’d we can guide you thru the process of Purchasing a home and obtaining that new mortgage!
Do you have a strange and different paystubs or complicated Tax returns, let us help you. Call Steve Direct at 805-374-6000 for the 2-Step method.